V8 can be considered as Dyson’s one of the most popular cordless vacuums. To ensure its maximum performance, you must be cleaning the machine every now and then as well as charge it regularly. Your vacuum roller may not be spinning due to lack of maintenance, small errors, or even some faulty parts. Our focus is to identify and solve the issue of your Dyson V8 brush bar not spinning issue. Step by step guide will hopefully help you solve Dyson V6 and Dyson V7 head not spinning issue also.
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Identifying Problems
Even though Dyson has provided you with a well-designed brush that has the fabulous suction ability, the V7 may have trouble spinning either completely or intermittently. You may also face such a problem that the brush bar spins then stops. Let us also identify why the powerhead is not spinning. We will examine the problems first.
Blockage to the Brush
The brush can be blocked with dirt, debris, pet fur, and most importantly human hair. Gradually the brush gets tangled. However, blockage to the brush itself does not cause the roller not spinning issue. But, the brush bar may have been working as a stairway to block the spinning bar and bristles.
Blockage to the Brush Bearings
The brush bearing is the small round-shaped holder that holds the brush and helps it to spin. Dirt including hair travels from the brush to the bearing and gets tangled. As a result, the bearing gets stuck and does not spin like before. Blockage to the bearing may completely stop spinning the brush bar.
Blockage to the Bristle
Hair, pet fur, fabrics, and other debris increase surprisingly. Eventually, they get tangled with the bristle, and the increasing mess forces the bristle to stop spinning. Leaving the dirt for a longer period of time helps them grow big as the entanglement gets overlapped.
Blockage to the Head Connector
The connector works as a linker between the battery and the motor. Once the link is interrupted, power stops transmitting. This electrical component can be blocked with debris since debris can travel everywhere through the air. Check the cleaning head connector if there’s anything blocking the connection.
Blockage to the Transmission Rod
The motor of your vacuum transmits its energy through the transmission rod. The brush bar is mounted onto the transmission rod. Once debris and hair get caught around this area, the brush bar can stop spinning completely or it may spin and then stop. If it spins and stops or completely stops spinning, remove the transmission rod and examine if anything is blocking it.
Battery Failure
Indeed the battery may fail to supply sufficient power to the motor. As a result, the powerhead will start then stop. Since the device is turning on and running, the battery is not completely drained out. But, there might be something faulty within the battery. If the aforementioned reasons are not applicable for your roller not spinning issue, there are chances of battery failure.
We hope you have become successful to recognize the exact problem regarding your Dyson V8 head not spinning issue. Even if you haven’t yet, we have a bunch of solutions that may hopefully solve the spinning issue. Follow the instructions below if your problem matches with any of the aforementioned lists. Go through them even if it doesn’t match with the list. The given list is a short list of problems, but the solution below can help you with solving brush not spinning issues at home.
Unlock Upright Handle
First and foremost, your Dyson V8 has been designed to be locked into the upright position while the vacuum is not in use. The motor that works as a spinner of the brush bar is not engaged as long as the vacuum is in an upright position. We hope you already know how to unlock the handle. In case you forgot how to do that, use your foot and depress the button neighboring the cleaning head.
Optimize Height Setting
Your Dyson brush bar may stop spinning if the height setting of the cleaner head is not set accordingly. If you have set the cleaner head too low, the brush bar may eventually not spin. You have to set different settings for cleaning carpets and hardwood floors. For instance, if you set a height setting for hardwood floor and try cleaning carpets or vice versa, the brush bar may spin then stop. Or, it may disappoint you by stopping completely.
Lock Cleaner Head Until it Clicks
The brush bar must be operated through the power that comes from the motor. The point to be noticed is that the motor does not operate until the head is not locked into its exact position. To ensure if the head has been locked accordingly, unplug your machine and let it lay on its back. Now, try pushing the cleaner head of the vacuum towards its main body. Wait until you hear the sound of a click.
Clean the Brush Bar
Clean threads, hair, pet fur, and fibers that block the brush baron day to day use. Before cleaning, unplug the vacuum to lay it on its back. Lay it in the ground flat so that you have the access to reach the brush bar. Take a pair of scissors and carefully cut fibers and threads so that no bristles are being cut. Clean the threads using your fingers, scissors, or both. Finally, reassemble the cleaner head and the brush accordingly.
Clean Cleaning Head
As we have almost talked everywhere that dirt can travel anywhere, the same will apply to the cleaning head itself. Clean the cleaning head thoroughly to make sure that the head helps the brush spin freely.
Clean Electrical Connectors
If one part of the connector pins is blocked, the other part will not be able to make contact. Clean both ends of the electrical connectors. Make sure there’s no blockage of dust. Also, make sure that there hasn’t been created cloak which can interrupt the connection.
Clean the Wand
The motor generates suction according to the brush bar’s agitation of dust and debris. The dirt moves through the wand to finally get to the vacuum bin. During this travel, dirt can be built up anywhere inside the vacuum. To avoid growing the dirt big, clean the bin inlet as well as the wand. Your Dyson V8 can start and then stop spinning due to the blockage in this area. Disconnect the wand from the bin inlet as well as from the cleaning head. Now clean both ends of the wand and clean it thoroughly so that air can freely flow without any blockage. Use a flashlight to have a deeper look at whether any blockage has been left inside.
Replace the Battery Pack
Once you are certain that the runtime of your Dyson V8 battery (both in normal mode and max boost mode) is getting relatively lower, it’s time to replace the battery pack. The brush can stop spinning if the necessary voltage is not provided. You can replace the battery on your own simply using a small screwdriver (preferably Philips). At first, remove the screw which will be found on the handle (pretty near to the rear). Now, locate the dustbin and you will find the base of the battery pack nearby. Finally, pull the battery out very gently, replace your new battery there and you have done the replacement.
Final Word
We have discussed the possible reasons why your Dyson V8 powerhead as well as the brush bar is not spinning. Hopefully, this reading has brought you a little comfort in solving the issue or at least identifying the tool’s error. Replacing the necessary tool will hopefully solve the rest of the spinning issue regarding the Dyson V8 brush bar. Let us know if you have anything to know about the problems or solutions in detail. Thanks for reading.